Community Warden
KCC Community Warden
for St Nicholas at Wade, Sarre, Acol and Manston
These areas are currently being covered within the Community Warden Team, contact is via number 07812786006.
** How your Community Warden can help you**
KCC Community Wardens are a non-confrontational uniformed presence and are available to support and reassure people in their communities.
They cannot promise to solve all your problems, but can listen, advise and signpost to the appropriate person or organisation that may be able to help.
*Wardens can advise and support people who have been, or who may become, the victims of scams and rogue traders.
*Wardens conduct welfare checks on behalf of other organisations or anyone who is concerned about a person living in their community. Often Wardens will refer to other agencies to get the support for people who are struggling with activities of daily living.
*Wardens support the lonely and socially isolated by befriending visits and giving support with accessing groups and clubs in the local community.
*Wardens can report low level anti-social behaviour such as fly tipping, vandalism, and offensive graffiti.
*Wardens can provide support with community groups, clubs and events.
*Wardens cannot tell people what to do and do not have any powers of enforcement, so therefore are unable to deal with issues such as illegal or inconsiderate parking and abandoned vehicles. These issues should be reported to Thanet District Council on 01843 577000, or via their website. Vehicles causing an obstruction should be reported to the police on 101.
*Crime related incidents need to be reported to the Police. In a situation where an offense is actively occurring and there is a risk to life or property, please call 999.
*If you need to report a non-emergency or pass on information to the Police, such as drug dealing or nuisance youths, please call 101.
You can also report incidents anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 0800 555111
*Dog owners who regularly allow their pets to foul in public areas can be reported online to Thanet District Council via their website. Your Warden can support you with doing this if necessary.